Good Soil

In the Spring of 2017, while still living in South Florida, the phone rang. On the other end was Eric Carlson. At the time Pastor Eric was an Assistant to the Bishop for the Southeastern Iowa Synod of our Lutheran denomination, the ELCA.  He also happened to grow up here at St. John’s, and now serves down the road at Faith Lutheran in Clive. A bit of a plug – he’ll be here the weekend of September 23 and 24 as part of our Alumni Preaching series. Keep an eye out for that fun reunion 😊.

During our conversation, Eric, trying to sell this big-city Floridian suburbanite on a state I’d never been to, asked plainly, “what do you know about Iowa?”

I replied coyly, “You mean besides the corn?”  Realizing the foot-in-mouth potential this response created, I quickly attempted to recover. “Not much. Tell me more.”

Eric did, and it got me curious enough to consider what might be. Six years, and two congregations later, well, here we are. Iowa continues to surprise.

I soon learned why Iowa can produce that great corn we know and love. It can be summed up in two words:

Good soil.

Much of the soil here is of a certain type called Chernozem, or black soil. Black soil is known for its dark, rich color. It is filled with organic material, able to hold on to moisture well.

Black soil primarily exists in just two parts of the world; the Great Plains we live in is one of them. Before becoming farmland these prairie fields were filled with plants with root systems going up to 15 feet into the ground. Starting from seed, they build deep roots underground while flourishing aboveground. All while growing side-by-side with other deep-rooted plants that help keep the soil strong.

And when their time is up? The valuable nutrients these plants contain return to the soil. Prairie plants participated in this circle of life here for millions of years. Each plant life, each plant death made the soil richer, deeper, more resilient for future generations of plants to come.

Because of all this black soil can produce high agricultural yields for all sorts of things. It is why Iowa is the top producer of corn in the country, and a close second in soybeans. Iowa soil is good soil, indeed.

Our parable from Matthew 13 and the explanation of it also asks us to consider the conditions of the soil where we have been planted.

The story begins with Jesus getting out of the house, sitting by the sea. With all the –
Healing –
that Jesus had been up to crowds began to form.

To make space Jesus got in a boat, preparing to give a message to the crowd gathered on the beach.

Wait a second –
Preaching from a boat?
Is that a thing?
Can we do that here?
Sign me up for that 😊.

Jesus then began to share about four different types of people who hear God’s word, and what happens next.

The first person is like a seed fallen on the path. A path has no soil. It gets walked on. The person hears God’s word but does not understand. God’s call on their life simply flies away into nothingness. The message never makes it from ear to head to heart.

The second person is like a seed that falls on rocky ground. There’s a little soil, sure, but not enough. The seed germinates, grows quickly, but the hot sun bears down. This person hears God’s word and understands. The message makes it from ear to head to heart. They are excited about this new life in Christ, oh the joy! But then comes trouble. The soil is limited, the roots are shallow. Their potential to help bring God’s kingdom here on earth shrivels up and fades away.

The third person is like a seed that falls among thorns. There’s plenty of soil. The seed germinates, grows, even bears some fruit. But those thorns! They keep getting in the way. They keep choking out great potential for the plant. God’s message makes it from ears to head to heart to impacting the kingdom in Christ-honoring, meaningful ways.

But the person is distracted by the pursuit of wealth. They busy themselves always acquiring more. What might be possible without these thorns that hold them back? God knows.

But the fourth person? This one is different. They are like a seed that falls on good soil. No rocks or thorns get in the way. The seed germinates, builds deep roots. Here there are optimal conditions, enough sun, sufficient rain, just the right nutrients to thrive. They blossom. God’s message makes it from ears to head to heart to impact. They live out God’s call for them on the regular. They grow and grow and grow. They are a bumper crop for Christ, a bountiful yield that keeps multiplying their impact in incredible, God honoring ways.

And it all begins, for this person, by being planted in good soil.

Jesus concludes the parable by saying, “Let anyone with ears listen!” The takeaway is clear. God wants us to –

Listen: move the message from ears to head.
Understand: move it from head to heart.
Blossom: act on our beliefs.
Produce: do it again, and again, and again.

This good Iowan soil extends far beyond what we use in our gardens and farms.

In many ways we Iowans follow the greatest commandment well. At our best we love our neighbor in some pretty amazing ways.

– Our public school graduation rate is 94%, one of the highest in the US.
– We were one of the first states to legalize same gender marriage, years before others.
– We have a long history of resettling refugees, from Vietnam to Ukraine and beyond. Iowa governor Robert Ray, who advocated for resettling refugees in the 1970s, quoted the Golden Rule to explain why we should extend help. Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. Now that’s a leader.

With all of this we Iowans love our –
– Neighbors with children, empowering them to learn.
– Neighbors who are gay, helping them to marry who they love.
– New neighbors from other lands, welcoming them with arms wide open.

In Christ-honoring ways this is what good soil looks like. We can be proud of that.

And yet sometimes rocks and thorns pop up that get in the way.

– In March our state government limited transgender rights, including banning them from entering public school bathrooms that correspond with their gender identities.
– In May, our state government instituted a book ban, limiting what our children in public schools can read, learn about, seek to understand.
– And two days ago, on Friday July 14, Iowan women largely lost safe access to a medical procedure they had a legal right to for fifty years. What on earth is going on?

Despite all this our call as people of faith is the same. We are called to love our –

– Neighbors who are children,
– Neighbors who are teachers,
– Neighbors who are transgender,
– Neighbors who are parents,
– Neighbors who are women.
– Neighbors, period.

This is Christ’s greatest command.

We have good Iowan soil. Our roots here run deep. Even with these recent challenges we have much here to celebrate. But when it comes to love of neighbor, I need to be honest with you. We as a state are falling short. As a people of faith we need to get back to it.

We are called to more than hearing.
We are called to more than belief.

We are called to act. To actually go out and love our neighbor. We are called to help our neighbor thrive. Not to limit them in ways that cause harm.

That is the call.
That’s what the good soil is.
And we have that here at St. John’s.

We are called to blossom where we’ve been planted.
Caring for all our neighbors. Without exception.
Until God’s work is done.  Amen.

Games God & Guns

A reflection on Matthew 9:35-10:4.

As you might know our family moved to Des Moines about a year ago. My prized possessions, aka the video game collection, were the first to be packed.

We decided to put the 70 boxes into offsite storage. A basement remodel would need to happen first.

I rented a UHaul truck, prepared to get to work.

My wife Kathi offered to lend a hand. “Honey, would you like some help loading the truck?” Forgetting my middle-aged body, and excited to begin, I declined.

No worries.
I got it.
It’s just 70 boxes.
I’ll be fine.

My confidence soon faded. Loading the truck was tiring. Those 70 boxes were heavy! Unloading the truck even more so.

After playing a live version of Tetris – boxes please don’t fall! – finally, everything was in place.

The laborers were few.

Just one, to be precise.
My back was now killing me.

If only I’d accepted help.

Box Redux
Fast forward to last week. The basement remodel at our home is now complete. Finally, the transformation into a game room can begin. Yes!

First up: getting those same boxes out of storage.

Remembering my sore back the last go round I considered a different approach.

Honey, could you help me load the truck?
Sure, my better half replied.

With that the laborers went from one to two.

When we get home the kids can help, Kathi offered. Suddenly the task at hand felt less daunting than before.

The two of us then planned our approach and loaded the truck, sharing the workload, joking as we went. This time there were no Tetris falling box moments. For that I was grateful.

Truck now home Hannah and Graham then helped us unload. Here you go Hannah, take this box. It goes right over there. How about this box, Graham? It’s perfect for you. Each of us went from truck to garage, one box at a time. Then down the stairs, into the basement, one step at a time.

Before we knew it the project was done.

Watching our family gel together made for a proud parent moment. Soon enough we’ll reap the rewards: playing four-player Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64. Green, red and blue shells here we come.

With this round two box move?

My back felt fine.

Our text today is also about the benefits of a shared workload. Matthew 9 finds Jesus with an ever-increasing todo list.

Up until this moment Jesus had been busy –


He’d delivered the Sermon on the Mount.
He’d given us the Lord’s Prayer.

Throngs were drawn to him.
Excitement was in the air.

Preaching the good news, that it gets better, in this kingdom Christ was bringing, proved popular. People couldn’t help but be attracted to the promise of brighter days ahead.

When Christ saw the crowd he had compassion for them.

They were harassed.
They were helpless.
They were lost.

The people needed hope.

It’s a big job, saving the world from that which ails us. Turns out even the Son of God needs a hand.

Gather round, Jesus said to the twelve.

Ask the Lord to send laborers, he told them.

Check this out:
The disciples were to pray for help. AND…
The disciples were to be the help.

That’s Matthew 9:38.
Think about it.

The disciples are the answer to their own prayers.
The disciples are the answer to their own prayers.

Christ continues.

The laborers are few.
I need help, from you.

See those unclean spirits?
Cast ‘em out.

See the sickness, the disease?
Go, seek cures.

For what I can do,
Jesus shared,
You can do too.

The twelve went.
The twelve did likewise.
The movement grew and grew.

Our country faces a gun violence issue of epic proportions. Each day 327 of us are shot in the US by a gun; 117 of us are killed. That sums to ~43,000 firearms deaths here each year. When it comes to gun violence the US is an outlier, particularly compared to other affluent countries. The homicide rate in America is 13 times higher than France, 22 times greater than the European Union, 23 times the rate in Australia.

This is unacceptable.
We have a problem here.
Let’s not make excuses about it.

And yet the US has more Christians than any other country. What should we make of that?

In worship we pray that –

Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth, as in heaven.

I’ll go out on a limb and say this stuff is not happening in heaven.

As followers of the Prince of Peace, the path we are to follow is clear.

When it comes to gun violence in our land, like today’s Mathew text:

We’ve been harassed.
We feel helpless.
We are lost.

Gun violence is an unclean spirit.
It is a disease in need of a cure.

Like today’s text Jesus gives us the authority to do something about it.

Consider this:
A recent Gallup poll found that 92% of Americans favor requiring universal background checks for gun sales. More than nine out of 10. In this country. In 2023. When we can’t seem to agree on anything. That level of agreement is worth paying attention to.

Particularly when it aligns with the tenants of our faith.

While there is a federal background check law, it doesn’t apply to unlicensed sellers. That is people who sell guns online and at shows.

Only fourteen of our fifty states require universal background checks for all classes of firearms. Even though 92% of us favor it. Iowa is not one of them.

What would it take for our state to take this life-saving step?

I’d suggest the laborers aren’t few. With all the Christians here, and overwhelming support for universal background checks the potential labor pool is deep.

Perhaps we’ve been asleep at the wheel.
Perhaps it is time we get to work.

We do so with –

A Phone,
A Letter,
A Petition,

A Sign,
A Rally,
A March.

A Talk,
A Ballot,
A Vote.

As people of faith we are called to cure this disease.

These boxes are heavy, no doubt.
We’ve been moving them around alone far too long.
We need all the help we can get.

Pray for more laborers. The workers to make this happen are out there.

But also, hear the Good News.
To solve this crisis we must act.
For we are the answer to our prayers.



A Pentecost message based on Acts 2:1-21.

The first incandescent light was created in 1841. It was patented by an inventor in England. Until a few days ago I was sure it happened in the US 😊. Powered by electricity the potential for this new light form was huge.

It was –

Brighter than a candle.
More convenient than a lantern.
Safer, in theory, than both.

People were excited about what might soon be.

Initial versions of this new light form were limited at best. Bulbs could only stay lit a few minutes. And they were expensive. Inventors of the era would often create one at a time, budget allowing, and hope for the best. After almost four decades of experimentation not too much had changed.

Enter Thomas Edison. In 1878 the renowned innovator announced a lofty goal: he would create the first commercially viable incandescent light. One that would be safe, bright, affordable and stay lit.

Edison set his sights high. He hoped to mass produce these bulbs in large quantities, all connected to an electric grid.

Because Edison, a man with over 1,000 patents to his name, realized something:

For many bulbs,
connected to the source,
would always be better than one.

Gathering a team of 20 men at his lab, the young inventor approached the project with confidence. But soon they too faced challenges. The team succeeded in getting a platinum filament lit. Yes! But platinum was expensive. The experiments continued.

Silk, cork, even beard hair from the employees was used. Nothing worked. But then, breakthrough. A carbon-based filament showed promise.

The bulb illuminated. And it stayed lit. For over half a day.

The full-page article in the December 21, 1879 New York Herald announced more. It is “the great inventor’s triumph,” the newspaper concludes, producing light “like the mellow sunset of an Italian autumn.”

The paper announced Edison would stage his first public light exhibit on New Year’s Eve. Excited pilgrims descended on Edison’s lab in droves, preparing for the big reveal.

When the exhibit opened December 31 hundreds of people surged into the laboratory. There they saw 25 brilliant electric lights ablaze, glistening off hundreds of glass bottles lining the walls.

It was a sight to behold.

The crowd huddled around Edison as he explained how a 2-inch long, horseshoe-shaped thread could glow so long. The awestruck audience noticed the bulbs didn’t flicker like gaslights. The light was softer than arc lamps. This new light source was better than anything anyone had ever seen.

As New Year’s Eve 1879 turned to New Year’s Day 1880 those gathered realized something.

This wasn’t just the start of a new decade.
A new era, for the world, had begun.

Edison’s first electric utility covered 85 households and 400 light bulbs. In a short time one light bulb had become –

Four hundred,

Initially only available to 20 lab assistants in Menlo Park New Jersey, soon the light would spread.

To other –


Regardless of people’s –

National origin,

For this new light source was going global – to the tune of 8 billion bulbs, now in use, worldwide. Said differently, almost 90% of the world population has access to electricity and the illumination it brings.

The stories of our ancient texts read similar. Light has been with us from the start.

God said, “let there be light,” and there was.
God saw that the light was good.

Similar to a candle or a lantern that first light worked just fine for a while. But then, two millennia ago, a new light entered the world. What came into being in him was light and life itself.

This new light shone brighter than what had come before.

Powered by the divine the potential for this new light was huge.

It provided –

– of what better, brighter new days could bring.

The new light had a lofty goal:

It was not to be for just –
One people,
One tribe,
One land.

This new light, once deployed, was to be available for all.
Because the Creator realized something:

Many lights,
connected to the Source,
would always be better than one.

The new light had modest beginnings. Gathering a team of 12 together, the divine bakers dozen got to work.

Initial results were impressive.

Waters were calmed.
Multitudes fed.
Free healthcare given,
To all.

The new light taught,
How to love God,
How to love neighbor,
Without exception.

As bright as this new light was it too was somewhat confined.

Initially it was only available in –
One person,
One place,
One time.

While the new light was in one locale, people nearby shone brightly. But when the new light moved on? The light they left behind would slowly dim.

At one point the new light was snuffed out, seemingly forever.

That was not good.
But then it was back!

The team of twelve, who had been plugged into the Source for three years now, couldn’t help but wonder: would this new light ever be ready for mass production? Or would it be forever confined?

Then came the plan. You will receive power that never dims, the Source revealed. It will be enough to enlighten the world.

For many lights,
connected together,
will always be brighter than one.

The Source ascended.

The twelve went to tell the others. They told –


One-hundred twenty gathered that day, in an upper room. They were excited about what could be. Even though they didn’t know exactly what was to come.

And then, BOOM, it happened. Breakthrough. A new light descended on each of them. It took the form of fire.

The one-hundred twenty were filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking with tongues from every nation.

The crowd huddled around to watch this grand event. They were amazed, yet confused.

“What does this mean,” the crowd asked?  “Could they be drinking?”
We are lit, yes, said Peter, but not from wine. For the day was still young.

Come, gather round, listen in to what this all means.

The crowd huddled around Peter. They learned how this fire connected to the Source of all that is. They learned how it burns brighter, and stronger than anything that ever was. Caught up in the excitement of it all, three thousand were added to their numbers that day.

The new light, which started as One, had become –

One-hundred twenty,
Three thousand.

This wasn’t the start of a new day.
It was so much more.

A new era, for the world, had begun.

Initially available to a small group of Middle Eastern men, soon the light would spread.

To other –

This new light too spread, regardless of people’s –

National origin,
Well, anything.

Making it possible for the light of Christ to catch on like wildfire. And spread it did, to the ends of the earth. There are now over 2 Billion Christians worldwide.

As we celebrate the birth of the Church let us remember that, through the Holy Spirit, we share a direct connection with our Creator that lives on.

The light of Christ, as guided by the Holy Spirit, encourages us to take up the mission of God, making life on earth as it is in heaven.

We too are called to –
Heal the sick,
Feed those without,
Love our neighbors,
Without exception.

Just as Jesus taught.
No need to do it alone.

We are drawn together by the Spirit to be in community with each other.

For many lights,
connected to the Source,
will always be better than one.


Two poems based on the Easter season lectionary.

Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)
As Easter soon concludes,
We take a brief look back.
Reflecting on surprises,
With this Christ had a knack.

Two gents were on the road,
And spoke of many things.
A stranger then approached,
New perspective he would bring.

The stranger could not help,
But join them on the way.
He wondered quite aloud,
What the two would say.

What do you speak of,
As you walk along?
You sound excited!
Is something going on?

The two then shared of Jesus,
Of their hopes and dreams.
And that, shockingly he died;
Tragic victim of a scheme.

The two then shared of Jesus,
Of their hopes and dreams.
But now? All was lost.
At least that’s how it seemed.

Then some other friends,
Threw the two a loop.
What those women shared,
Makes for quite the scoop.

Seeing the dead man’s tomb,
The stone was rolled away.
The women peered in;
This is what they say.

The tomb is empty!
Angels say he is alive!
The tomb is empty!
Could Christ be revived?

The two gents were unsure,
As they walked along.
They did kind of wonder –
Was something going on?

The stranger then spoke,
Oh how slow are you!
The Messiah told us!
That’s what God would do!

Day’s journey now done,
The three sat down to eat.
It was then, and only then,
Their eyes would truly meet.

The stranger –
Took bread,
Blessed it,
Broke it.

Suddenly they knew.

The stranger –
Took bread,
Blessed it,
Broke it.

That’s what God would do.

This was no stranger!
This was a close friend!
This was – Jesus!
Their eyes were opened.

Then poof, Christ was gone,
The two ran to share the news.
They went, telling others.
Of what God did do.

Elements (Acts 1:6-15)
The eleven gathered close,
With Christ once again;
Reunited, together,
Recalling way back when.

Still listening, still learning,
One question yet remained.
Still listening, still learning,
One answer not explained.

Disciples gathered round,
One question here on earth,
God’s kingdom isn’t here,
When cometh this rebirth?

I know not, Christ said,
The time or place or means.
My Father sets those clocks,
Right now? We’re in between.

I know this, Christ said,
The Spirit’s on the way.
She’ll guide you, eternally,
She’ll be here soon, to stay.

The heavens then opened,
Christ ascended to the sky.
Through clouds, then gone.
His glory now on high.

As eleven gazed in wonder,
Two angels then appeared;
Watched men rubbernecking –
The angels thought it weird.

Why do you stand,
Gazing up above?
Work here, they said,
Sharing God’s great love.

Two angels then ascended,
Disciples departed too.
They headed to the City,
God’s work soon to do.

In an upper room,
Eleven gathered, prayed.
Women, others joined in,
One hundred-twenty stayed.

Soon enough, my friends,
Pentecost it will be.
The coming of God’s Spirit,
She’ll light us up, you’ll see.

Soon enough, my friends,
Pentecost it will be,
A Spirit that encourages.
She’s for you, and me.

She appears in many forms,

With –
A whish,
A whirl,
A wind.

When she arrives,
Fresh life enters in.

She appears in many forms,
Always read to inspire.
Do you believe, beloved?
She carries God’s great fire.


Earlier this week our family adopted a dog. Our previous pet, a Jack Russell Terrier named Queso, died unexpectedly this past Winter. She was only four years old. After grieving for a spell it was time for our family to find a new furry friend.

By chance Kathi saw a listing for a beagle from Raccoon River Pet Rescue in Perry that looked promising. We submitted an application, hoping for the best. A few days later one of their adoption agents, Rene, got in touch.

We think you might be a good fit for this particular dog, Rene said.

Come in for a visit.
Meet this furry friend.
See if you agree.

So Wednesday morning, with the kids in school, Kathi and I hopped in the car for the 45-minute ride.

We arrived, met Rene in the lobby. Rene told us of her love of dogs, how many she has at home, their breeds. She then gave us the history of this particular shelter, including when it was founded, who it serves, how it stays so clean.

Over the years Kathi and I have been to more than a few pet rescues in the search of future family members. I found myself thinking yep, this one is pretty clean. Well run too.

Rene told us about a large litter of Papillons that had also recently come in. She lamented that puppy mills often dump large numbers of dogs when they have too many. Left to fend for themselves there is no telling what would happen without help.

Fortunately, these Papillons have something going for them. They are cute! Full grown Papillons are less than 10 pounds, can fit in your handbag, and have those big fuzzy ears. Called the ‘Sweet Sixteen’ by the rescue the Papillon siblings proved popular. Posted online last Thursday night 77 applications for them came in over the weekend, whoa!

Once received Rene then reviews applications, reaching out to people that might be a good fit.

Her description of this initial pairing, of people and pooch, reminded me of online dating –
– Swipe right if you’re interested
– Swipe left if not

Rene’s goal with these pairings is simple. She wants to ensure the pets under her care find a forever home. These animals have all faced either abandonment or abuse. It’s a tough world out there. Rene wants more for them than that.

Kathi and I then asked about our possible dog, a beagle, hoping to learn more. Rene shared they had been found a few weeks ago and taken in. The dog at the time had no tags, no chip, and was skinny. They were about 10 months old. That, she said, was just a guess.

Would it be ok to see her, we asked? Yes, Rene said, grabbing the keys. She unlocked the door that kept strangers out, and dogs in, and went to retrieve the beagle.

Shortly after Rene returned, pooch in tow. There she is! The super-cute beagle ran right to us, smiling, wagging her tail. She then jumped up on Kathi’s lap, licking my wife’s face. Things were off to a good start.

As we got to know the dog Rene watched us interact. We were checking out the dog, pondering what may be. All while Rene was checking us out, still gathering information. She wanted to ensure we were a good match.

Your application said your home has a fenced in yard? Rene wanted to confirm. Yes, I responded, making a mental note to repair a few loose spots in the fence. That would be good for her, Rene said. She can run and play and be safe.

Here, take some treats, Rene said, handing me a few. She loves those. Extending my hand down I offered one to the dog. She took it, staying near as I rubbed the nape of her neck.

The animal had a beautiful cinnamon coat. Our family had talked about possible names earlier, and had the list trimmed to three. That cinnamon color created a clear choice. She would be Churro.

Rene then gave us other advice on things like vet visits, training options, how best to feed. As we chatted I noticed something. Every time Rene spoke Churro looked over to her. Because Churro knows Rene’s voice.

Kathi and I were still strangers.

For the past few weeks Churro had been provided shelter, food, water. She had received required vaccinations, was spayed, and chipped. Here she had been treated well.

And if she ever gets lost again? The chip points Churro home. Back to a place she is safe, protected, cared for. No matter what.

While filling out adoption papers – yes, we’ll take her we decided enthusiastically – Churro walked over to a nearby lobby window. That window is a view to the cat room; Churro was attempting to make some feline friends. A cat then approached on the other side of the glass. The two were practically nose to nose. The cat swatted at our cinnamon beagle, scaring her. Churro jumped and turned away. Rene, Kathi and I just laughed, it was great.

Churro was less than amused.
Churro then ran toward safety.

Did she run to us? No. She went straight to Rene. She sat right on Rene’s feet, staring at the cat. Churro’s protector clearly had her back.

Because this beagle –

knows Rene.
knows Rene’s voice.
goes to that voice when called.

With Rene this beagle is safe.

I realized our family would need to build this trust, between human and beagle, too.

Paperwork now signed it was official, Churro was ours. Yeah! Now back home we busied ourselves ensuring we were ready to care for our new furry friend.

– Vet appointment scheduled;
– Floors cleaned, small objects removed;
– Food and water shared;
– Fence line repaired;
– Toys and balls introduced;

Last night after dinner our family of five went to the back yard to make smores in the firepit. Each of us took turns with Churro running, jumping, playing.

Each of us took turns calling out Churro! Come here! You’re a good girl! Want to play ball? Come on, fetch!

We’ve just had her three days. These things take time. But slowly –

Churro is learning her name.
Churro is turning her head when we call.
Churro is beginning to follow.

Slowly, ever-so-slowly, our new furry friend is beginning to learn our voice.

This story is one way to understand today’s scripture, John 10:1-5.

In antiquity the function of a shepherd, and how they protect sheep was a given. The original audience would have known plenty about that.

In the 2,000 years since perhaps some of that assumed understanding has been lost.

We do, however, know about pets. At least many of us. Two-thirds of US households own a pet. Most are either dogs or cats.

From that many of us know what it is to care for them.

I’d suggest that an animal rescue group is a good comparable to the lengths the Good Shepherd goes to care for us. Consider this –

From the very beginning the Good Shepherd takes us in, claims us as their own. We are adopted into God’s family in the waters of our baptism, after all.

The Good Shepherd provides shelter, food, drink. Under their care –

we are loved,
we are valued,
we belong.

The Good Shepherd wants nothing more than to see us laugh and play and run. This always was, always is, always will be the plan.

And when harm approaches? They stand at the gate to keep it at bay, keys in hand. Even when those scary cats on the other side of the glass appear.

Over time we learn to –

Recognize their voice.
Turn our gaze toward them.
Follow where they lead.

Other voices constantly vie for our attention. That is truer now than ever. When we listen to other voices we can get lost, hurt, feel alone.

It’s a tough world out there. The Good Shepherd wants more for us than that.

And when we stray? The Good Shepherd welcomes us back home, arms open wide, nursing us back to health.

This is the voice of Love. No other voice matters more. Amen.