
In the beginning, when God created all that is, first darkness reigned.

Then came wind.
The wind was Spirit.
Over the waters it swept.

God said,
“Let there be light,”
and there was.

God saw that the light was good.
So God separated the light from dark.

God then got to naming, calling –
– The light Day, and
– The dark Night.

There was evening.
There was morning.

The first day.

In the beginning, when the divine descended down, darkness was all around. There were shepherds, a flock, fields afar.

God said,
“Let there be light,”
And there was.

This light was angelic, illuminating the night sky.

The light brought with it –
good news,
of great joy,
for the people.

The light told of –
a savior nearby,
wrapped in cloth,
lying in a manger.

The multitude sang –
Glory to God in the highest!
Peace on earth among all!

The light left. Darkness descended again.

The shepherds pondered.
What to do?

Sure, they could stay in the darkness.
Or they could journey towards more.

Let us go, they decided.
Let us see what the Lord has revealed.

They went.
They found –
The source of this light.

Laying there, in the manger.

It is a light that –
would guide them,
hereon out,
every step of the way.

In the beginning, before epiphany, darkness covered all. There were magi, eyes lifted heavenward, seeking a sign.

God said,
“Let there be light,”
And there was.

This light was star.
Just one, shining bright.

Seeing the star,
In the east,
The magi followed.

They went.
They found,
They gave.


For they knew,
this light they’d found,
would guide them too,
hereon out,
every step of the way.

In the beginning there was a messenger, wilderness, water.

The messenger baptized.
People confessed sin.
It was a moment to behold.

The messenger promised,
Another soon would come,
More powerful than he.

The messenger proclaimed
that they
would baptize,
not with water,
but with Spirit.

The same Spirit,
that moved,
over the waters,
that fateful first day.

And then it happened!
The messenger pointed, saying,

There is the light!
And there was.

For the light was Christ.

The light
was baptized,
by the messenger,
in the river.

As the light rose,
from the waters,
the heavens opened.

The Spirit descended,
like a dove,
upon the light.

God said,
“You are my Son,
The beloved,
With you I am well pleased.”

This light, those present realized, if they let it –

Would guide them,
Hereon out,
Every step of the way.

As we begin two thousand twenty-four it may feel as if darkness is all around.

Political vitriol is seemingly everywhere,
Wars and rumors of wars abound, and
A mass school shooting in Perry, just three days ago.

In this moment let us remember who we are.

God created the light and called it good.
God brought the light, to us, in the form of Christ.
God revealed the light to magi, who sought it out.

Let us also remember our baptism. For –
we are awash in the light of Christ every single day.

We are called to follow the light.
We are called to be the light.
We are called to show the light to others.

For we are the people of the light.

This light we’ve found,
will guide us too,
hereon out,
every step of the way.  Amen.

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